


DEBUGIN {Timeout,Label,}[Item{,Item...}]

Receive one or more Items from a predefined pin at a predefined baud rate in standard asynchronous format using 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit (8N1). The pin is automatically made an input.

An optional Timeout and Label may be included to allow the program to continue if a character is not received within a certain amount of time. Timeout is specified in 1 millisecond units. If the serial input pin stays idle during the Timeout time, the program will exit the DEBUGIN command and jump to Label.

DEBUGIN (on all devices except the 12-bit core) supports the same data modifiers as SERIN2. Refer to the section on SERIN2 for this information.




Receive binary digits


Receive decimal digits


Receive hexadecimal digits


Skip n received characters

STR ArrayVar\n{\c}

Receive string of n characters optionally ended in character c

WAIT ( )

Wait for sequence of characters

WAITSTR ArrayVar{\n}

Wait for character string

DEBUGIN is one of several built-in asynchronous serial functions. It is the smallest of the software generated serial routines. It can be used to receive debugging information from a terminal program like Hyperterm. It can also be used anytime serial input is desired on a fixed pin at a fixed baud rate.

The serial pin and baud rate are specified using DEFINEs

	' Set Debugin pin port

	' Set Debugin pin bit

	' Set Debugin baud rate (same as Debug baud)

	' Set Debugin mode: 0 = true, 1 = inverted

If any of these DEFINEs are not included in a program, the DEBUGIN port, pin or mode is set to the same values as they are for DEBUG. The DEBUGIN baud rate is always the same as DEBUG=s. It cannot be DEFINEd differently.

DEBUGIN assumes a 4MHz oscillator when generating its bit timing. To maintain the proper baud rate timing with other oscillator values, be sure to DEFINE the OSC setting to any different oscillator value.

While single-chip RS-232 level converters are common and inexpensive, thanks to current RS-232 implementation and the excellent I/O specifications of the PICmicro, most applications don't require level converters. Rather, inverted TTL (DEBUGIN_MODE = 1) can be used.  A current limiting resistor is necessary to dissipate the higher and sometimes negative RS-232 voltage.

	' Wait until the character “A” is received serially and put next character into B0
	DEBUGIN [wait (“A”),B0]

	' Skip 2 chars and grab a 4 digit decimal number
	DEBUGIN [skip 2,dec4 B0]



DISABLE both debug and interrupt processing following this instruction. Interrupts can still occur but the BASIC interrupt handler in the PICBASIC PRO™ program and the debug monitor will not be executed until an ENABLE is encountered.

DISABLE and ENABLE are more like pseudo-ops in that they give the compiler directions, rather than actually generate code. See ON DEBUG and ON INTERRUPT for more information.

	DISABLE	' Disable interrupts in handler
myint: led = 1	' Turn on LED when interrupted
	Resume	' Return to main program
	Enable	' Enable interrupts after handler



DISABLE DEBUG processing following this instruction. The debug monitor will not be called between instructions until an ENABLE or ENABLE DEBUG is encountered.

DISABLE DEBUG and ENABLE DEBUG are more like pseudo-ops in that they give the compiler directions, rather than actually generate code. See ON DEBUG for more information.

DISABLE DEBUG > Disable debug monitor calls



DISABLE INTERRUPT processing following this instruction. Interrupts can still occur but the BASIC interrupt handler in the PICBASIC PRO™ program will not be executed until an ENABLE or ENABLE INTERRUPT is encountered.

DISABLE INTERRUPT and ENABLE INTERRUPT are more like pseudo-ops in that they give the compiler directions, rather than actually generate code. See ON INTERRUPT for more information.

	DISABLE INTERRUPT	' Disable interrupts in handler
myint: led = 1			' Turn on LED when interrupted
	Resume			' Return to main program
	Enable Interrupt	' Enable interrupts after handler
